Enhancing immunity in broilers Enhancing immunity in broilers

Enhancing immunity in broilers

A well-modulated immune system is essential to high performance and resilience in broilers. Focused attention on good nutrition and gut health can have an enormously positive impact on broilers’ immunity. Other factors that affect the immune system include age and health of broiler breeders and presence of viral diseases at farms and hatcheries.

How to recognise

At seven days old, broilers with weak immune systems frequently present with low weight and uniformity, making them more vulnerable to health challenges. Also vaccination response of broilers with a low immunity will be lower, making them more vulnerable also to viral diseases.

The impact on the farmer

Purchasing high-quality day-old chicks from a breeder flock with good immunity is a sound investment for farmers, who will see their flocks flourish later in the life cycle. They will respond better to vaccination programmes and be less vulnerable for all diseases, with less need for antibiotics. The management of the flock is easier for the farmer, while the performance is higher and more predictable.

The importance of gut health can’t be overestimated in broilers, helping to power the immune system and boost their resilience when faced with health challenges.