Enhancing feed efficiency in grower-finisher pigs Enhancing feed efficiency in grower-finisher pigs

Enhancing feed efficiency in grower-finisher pigs

Feed costs are a major contributor to the total cost of production to market weight. For that reason, it is important for grower-finisher pigs to effectively use feed nutrients and invest them into performance rather than defence mechanisms. Optimising gut health is key to profitability because during health challenges, nutrients are redirected from growth and development toward other metabolic requirements. We recommend that management will focus on supporting grower-finisher pigs to achieve the highest possible levels of production and feed efficiency, while maintaining the animal’s appropriate health status.

How to recognise

A high feed conversion ratio (FCR) in the grower-finisher phase indicates that nutrients are being shifted away from performance and growth toward other physiological processes, such as immune response due to a pathogenic challenge, anti-nutritional factors in feed, (heat) stress and other factors.

The impact on the farmer

High FCR means more feed per kg meat produced, leading to higher production costs.

Production efficiency in the grower-finisher phase is only achieved when most of the feed nutrients can be used for growth.