Boosting immunity in layers Boosting immunity in layers

Boosting immunity in layers

A strong, healthy immune system keeps layers high-performing and resilient. This is particularly essential for pullets, who receive vaccinations frequently, and need to maximise their immune response. Most important is a focus on good nutrition and gut health, key to enhancing the immune system.

How to recognise

Low immunity negatively affects a pullet’s response to vaccines and decreases a layer’s resilience. Immunity is affected by factors including the age and health of layer breeders, presence of viral diseases and farm and hatchery management.

The impact on the farmer

If the immunity of the layers is not well developed, their vaccination response will be insufficient, which can be easily monitored by the vet. They’ll be more vulnerable to diseases, as they lose the protection by the vaccine.

A well-developed immune system plays a key role in maintaining poultry health, from increased resilience to a strong vaccine response.