Piglets feed and water management Piglets feed and water management

Managing feed and water for piglets

Piglets, whose bodies are composed of 80% water at birth, require direct access to ample quantities of clean, fresh water as well as quality feed to thrive. Managing livestock carefully from the start benefits both farmers and animals. This will lead to improved production and financial results over the long term.

Feed preservation

Feed safety can be achieved with an integrated approach, involving controls at each part of the feed supply chain.

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Ensuring quality ingredients

The success of any nutritional strategy starts with the quality of the raw materials. Trouw Nutrition has developed programmes to maximize the quality standards of feed ingredients, focused on two crucial pillars: nutritional value and feed safety.

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Managing feed intake

Our unique electronic feeding stations for post-weaned piglets show that teaching them how to eat is critically important to their successful rearing. Offering creep feed doubles the success rate of continuous post-weaning feed intake, ensuring proper gut function and integrity and reducing the risk of digestive disorders.

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Monitoring water quality

Good management of drinking water quality is essential to maintain pig health and performance.

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