Piglets performance Piglets performance

Piglet performance

The most significant costs of raising livestock are feed costs. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, producers should pay more attention to piglets, to ensure they adequately digest the nutrients in their feed and grow into healthy, high-performing adults.

Special attention is needed after weaning, when separation from the mother and changes in feed can cause severe alterations in the piglet’s physiology.

Supporting growth

By nourishing piglets with a diet that meets their nutritional requirements and fully supports their gut health and immune competency, we deliver robust growth during the nursery phase.

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Managing the weaning process

If weaning is not managed adequately, this can result in digestive health issues and suboptimal performance for piglets.

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Managing the overall health and welfare of weaned piglets should focus on preventing unnecessary stress and improving their gut health.
Dr. Jessika van Leeuwen – Global Programme Manager Gut Health Swine